When I was a child, I had a near death experience. My cousin jumped into the deep end of a swimming pool knowing that he did not know how to swim. Why? To impress a girl. His mother wasn’t looking at the time but I saw him drowning and I swam over to try to save him. I grabbed his arm to pull him to safety and instead of him letting me pull him along to the edge, he latched on to my body, prohibiting me from swimming and started trying to climb on top of me thus pushing me under water with him. I eventually had to fight him off of me to save my own life and swim away, when I came up for air his mother was standing by the side of the pool and she asked me what he was doing and I said “Drowning” with the last little bit of air in my lungs and then I swam to the side to get out the pool. He passed out and was underwater and only then could a stranger come in and pull him out of the water. Once he was revived I asked him why he was trying to climb on top of my head and why he wouldn’t let me just pull him. He stated that he kept thinking if I would let him stand on top of me, he could get air. How crazy is that? He thought he could just stand on top of me and that I would be okay under water. Life is sometimes like that when we try to help someone in distress. If we are not careful, they can end up dragging us down too. Time and time again, I have tried to help people who were living in chaos and I have come to realize that you can’t save those who won’t let you. People who are drowning in life are often in confused states of mind and they will do things to harm others just to try to survive. They really cannot or will not see how their actions are hurting the other person. 2 Corinthians 6:14 states, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?" That is not to say that we should judge, mistreat and/or disrespect those who are in dark places mentally and spiritually. Matthew 13:32 states, "Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof". One never knows what a person's final destiny will be so it is very important to treat all people with dignity, respect and agape love which is God's unconditional type of love. Just be mindful that you can have all the good intentions in the world but if a person’s frame of mind is not in the right place, they won’t be willing to see the helping hand that you are trying to extend. You might have to let go.
Let Go
I love you but I gotta let you go
Life has yet to teach you what I already know
I wish you could learn from my past
but you need time to grow
so I have to give you space
to find your flow
It hurts me to see you hurting so
but if I stay around you, you'll dim my glow
I'll be wondering how I sank so low
see the fast can't hang with the slow
and the loser can't keep up with the pro
The river can't flow through ice and snow
and people can't thrive when they are stuck in woe
You're trying to follow status quo
when you're meant to run the show
You're debt is paid
but you still think you owe
and you are making self your foe
I still love you though
maybe one day you'lll know
but for now I gotta go
© Savvy Brown 2011