In today’s society,
women are encouraged to be independent and to stand on their own but then we
wonder why so many are alone. I think that society has taught us wrong and women are not meant to be completely independent because we are in fact designed to submit. Every
relationship is not meant to be and I am certainly not saying that women should
put up with abuse. There is a process to
selecting a mate that many people bypass with this culture of hook ups and
sexual independence. Sex creates a soul tie; so by giving their bodies too
quickly, women are bonding to men who they really were never meant to be with.
1 Thessalonians 4:3 (KJV)-
For this is the will of God, even
your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication:
Ideally a man should
court a woman before she gives herself to him. In the course of his rising to
meet her expectations, love develops and trust is built in knowing that he is
willing to work and sacrifice for her. If relationships are done the right way, the woman takes her time in selecting a man; requires a marital commitment before
sex; then she can be confident in her decisions and more apt to stand by his
side even if he messes up and hurts her. After all, no one is perfect and we all make
mistakes. We all have issues to address. There is a divine order to
relationships and someone has to submit.
Ephesians 5:22-24 (KJV)-
Wives, submit yourselves unto your
own husbands, as unto the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife,
even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body. 24Therefore
as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands
in everything.
The theme of today is keep it moving and marriages break up
at the drop of a hat. We’ve all heard that the divorce rate in America is 50%.
That should be an indication that we are doing something wrong. True love is
John 15:12 (KJV)-This is
my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.
Have you ever stopped to think about what that really means?
God loves us despite all of our imperfections and flaws. He does not walk out on us when we mess up;
nor does he give up on us. I see so many women hurt and angry
over failed love and men that did them wrong. So I wrote this piece for my
I hate to see her hurting so
I want to tell her to just let him go
he chose not her but the hoe
but she didn’t even want him though
when he called she would not answer the phone
While she was out, he was home
but he was not alone
his side piece did what she would not do
now she’s always crying the blues
she tried to find someone to fill his shoes
but he could not replace her boo
she thought she’d beat him at his game
but men and women are not the same
men can cheat and feel no shame
they don’t even need to know her name
while women feel guilt and pain
Instead of placing blame she could have stepped up her game
and proclaimed love
and re-sparked their flame
but instead she became his ex-
and now she’s perplexed
because he moved on
when he moved out it was agreed upon
so why is she so sad that he’s now gone
I’ll tell you why, though you may
think I’m wrong
It’s because love should be life long
There’s no such thing as the
perfect man
They’re all just doing the best
they can
It’s okay to understand
And hold his hand
help him Grow and be his fan
help him Grow and be his fan
It’s also okay to take a stand
But you better have a game plan
Because love never stays as it
And unless you want to keep
starting over again
Someone’s got to stick like glue
And if it’s not him then it should
be you
You can keep it moving
But what are you proving
Since you are not a bus or a train
By constant motion, you have
nothing to gain
With devotion you can attain
Unconditional love
© 2013 Savvy Brown
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